Crawford County hired Klein McCarthy Architects to study options for the current two-story Jail and Law Enforcement Center. The study looked at several options, northeast of the current jail, to the southwest on the current site, and a remote site with a significant addition and renovation. After reviewing all the options including costs, the jail committee decided to build a new 75-Bed, single-story, remote podular jail facility to replace the current jail on the southwest portion of the current historic courthouse. The jail has 12 housing classifications including minimum security dormitory, inmate worker dormitory, medium security, maximum security, flexible security, special management, and single special supervision units. There is a skyway connecting the facility to the historic courthouse. The existing facility last renovated in 1995 will be renovated for court holding improving inmate movement to court hearings.
The existing Law Enforcement Center is a joint facility housing the Prairie Du Chein Police Department. With growth by both agencies over the last 30 years, the Police Department has decided to move out to a new facility. This allows the Sheriff’s Office to expand into the remainder of the Law Enforcement Center and vacated jail and will include a new emergency operations center.
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